Specialty Senior Services
Below are a variety of businesses that cater to seniors with services such as home downsizing, housing advisement, making a home safe for seniors and so much more.
Showing results for Bristol, PA
AARP Foundation Senior Community Services Employment Program
AARP Foundation Senior Community Services Employment Program (SCSEP) can help you keep pace with the changing nature of work and help you to find permanent employment while receiving a paycheck! SCSEP places older workers in a variety of community service activities at nonprofit and public facilities like daycare and senior centers, schools and hospitals. As a participant you can sharpen your job
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skills and earn income - all while giving back to your community. To learn more, call us at 610-865-3002 or email Dbullard@aarp.org.
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Over 55 and looking for work?
Get the training you need to compete in today's job market while receiving a paycheck!
Belle Vie Home Care
Belle Vie Home Care is a compassionate, and trustworthy elder home care agency. We proudly serve the Philadelphia, Bucks, and Chester Counties. Our in-home, elder services include: bathing, dressing, meal preparation, feeding/eating, grooming/shaving/oral
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care, routine hair/skin care, assistance with self-administered medication; and toileting. To ensure you get the quality service you deserve, we provide 24 hour on-call service, 7 days a week. We conduct extensive background checks on all our professional caregivers and guarantee that they will live up to your high standards. Whether you need around the clock care, or just a couple of hours to help with errands, Belle Vie Home Care has the right solution for you.
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