Green Cleaning - Bucks, Montgomery, Hunterdon, Lehigh County Recycling Guide
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Green Cleaning Guide

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Spring Cleaning TipsSpring provides us with an opportunity to declutter our lives, but this can be done all year round too! Whether we choose to recycle items we no longer use, donate or sell our unwanted household items, organize our out-of-control piles and closets, transform trash to treasures, there are many opportunites to reduce to stuff that seems to multiply while we are sleeping. Here are some ideas to set you on your path to becoming a minimalist.

recycling guide

Recycling is one of the easiest ways to help the environment. But it can also be confusing. Our Recycling Guide was created to help make the process a bit easier and move us as close to a Zero Waste Community as possible.

getting rid of usable household items

You don't have to feel bad about your unwanted stuff ending up in a landfill. There are many ways to give your items a second chance with a brand new family.

  • Support local non-profits by donating your household stuff to local thrift stores.
  • Sell your household items on ebay, craigslist, or through Delvage, a local yard sale and consignment shop that makes it super simple to sell online.
  • Give your stuff away using Freecycle.

transforming trash to treasures

What do you do with your stuff that has seen better days - broken, cracked, stained, or stuff you never thought could be transformed into something of beauty. Before you discard, ask the question "How can this item be reused or upcycled in a new and exciting way". Here are some links to give you inspiration!

organize and clean the stuff you want to keep

Let these local businesses help you out!